Invitation letter

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference EVERYDAY LIFE OF CHILDREN, which will be held on 16th and 17th November 2018 in Novi Sad. It will be organized by the Preschool Teacher Training College in Novi Sad and the Association of Preschool Teachers of Vojvodina. 

This year's conference represents the continuation of our commitment to address this topic as a broad framework that includes an interdisciplinary view of childhood, its characteristics and factors, with the CHILD and their potential for participation in everyday life in its centre.

After raising this broad subject at the round table in 2015 and at the Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference with international participation held in 2016, we want to continue bringing together experts in different scientific disciplines as well as practitioners whose work concerns children, their families, institutions and wider environment that make everyday life of children in the 21st century.

The aim of this gathering is to analyse all the dimensions of children’s everyday life, space, time, and routines, as well as the processes that create it. We want to raise questions, doubts and possible ways of solving the problems encountered by children as well as practitioners and researchers in this field. We want to contribute to the idea and practice of an interdisciplinary approach and greater participation of children of all ages in building their everyday life as a basis for future development.

The Conference is of interdisciplinary character with an emphasis on linking theory and practice.

We hope that you will be interested in the topic and encouraged to spend time with us in November 2018 in order to analyse EVERYDAY LIFE OF CHILDREN through an interdisciplinary exchange.

Framework subtopics which can be a guide for presenters of oral and poster presentations, round tables, and workshops are: contemporary perception of childhood, the importance of early development, approaches to education, diversity and individual needs, ICT in children's everyday life, literature, communication and the media, raising children from the perspective of parents and institutions, the practice of parenting, art and creativity in the everyday life of children.

Applications for the Conference may include presentations of professional literature, journals and / or didactic material.

The conference will be accredited by the Pedagogical Institute of Vojvodina and the Social Protection Chamber.
The papers presented at the Conference will be published in the Book of Abstracts and the Conference Proceedings.

We look forward to our meeting and successful work.

Best regards,

Jovanka Ulić, MA, Director of the Preschool Teacher Training College Novi Sad, President of the Programme Committee
Lada Marinković, PhD, Coordinator of the Organization Committee
Radmila Petrović, President of the Association of Preschool Teachers of Vojvodina
Aniko Utaši, PhD, Secretary of the Conference

May 2018, Novi Sad

Preschool Teachers Training College Novi Sad


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